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COLD RED 0105 – Season Finale – Dr. White

Via Cold Red…

“In this special episode, we have the esteemed honor of hosting Dr. James White, a renowned forensic psychologist and one of the foremost authorities in the field. Dr. James White brings his unparalleled expertise to the table as he unravels the intricacies of some of the most haunting criminal cases.

“With years of experience in studying the human psyche, he sheds light on the darkest corners of the criminal mind, exposing the motives, behaviors, and patterns that define the perpetrators.

“Throughout this captivating conversation, Dr. White shares jaw-dropping insights into high-profile cases that have baffled investigators and captured public fascination. From cold-blooded serial killers to unsolved disappearances, each episode will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting the next revelation.”

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