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Australian Story – A Bad Romance (featured article)

Australian Story has also released a feature article on regarding the story of Di McDonald.

James R. Fitzgerald was brought in to consult on the case to help local police figure out if McDonald’s former boyfriend was responsible for the stalking of Di McDonald.

Fitz immediately went to work examining documents as one of the pre-eminent experts in the field of forensic linguistics.

Via the Australian Story…

It was about 11:00pm one night and Di McDonald had just switched off the light when she heard an almighty bang on her roof.

She leapt out of bed and headed to the bank of CCTV monitors in her living room. Since breaking up with Max Gardiner, the slightly built 52-year-old had turned her house in the north-west of Melbourne into a fortress. Cameras flanked the front and back.

Di was dialling triple-0 with one hand and rewinding the CCTV recording with the other.

“And what I saw terrified me, absolutely terrified me,” she tells Australian Story.

“His face was black with glowing eyes. I was petrified. I am screaming at the operator on triple-0. She’s telling me to calm down.

“And I’m like, ‘You’re not looking at what I’m looking at’.”

To read the full feature article, click here.

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